Thursday, January 27, 2005

Open up the dream world

The greatest truth one has to understand in life is that the macrocosm and the microcosm are one ad the same. Till you understand this, there will be strife in life. Ultimate peace cannot be experienced before this truth sinks into your being.

If you behave one way in your home, treat things differently outside, you cannot have access to the boundless prosperity that is just hovering around you. For example, you use your electric kettle at home very carefully and use it roughly at the office; you will be blocking the nature’s gifts that are due to you.

Handle everything with respect, thank nature for whatever you get to enjoy in life and see how a dream world unfolds before you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Keep up the Trust

When somebody places a trust in you, 
Don’t you think that we should keep it up? 
Or for what else has God made us the 
Most intelligent beings on earth? 

One time you break somebody’s trust, 
You are pushing a sword into his heart, 
There may be a chance the bleeding heart 
Eventually heals up. 

But you keep breaking the Trust again & again, 
You are burning his soul. 
Have you seen a body with third degree burns, 
Looking normal again even after 
Multiple surgeries by the best Plastic surgeons? 

Just like the body is scarred for life, 
Remember, you are scarring his soul for a lifetime. 
In your deathbed, what you remember will be 
The dreams, the hopes and the love you shared with others. 
So keep up the trust the loved ones put in you 
It is worth all the efforts!! 

Monday, January 24, 2005

Anger is a double-edged sword

Anger is a wasting emotion, just like guilt. You get angry because you don’t like something a person has done or something that is happening around you. The moment the waves of anger surround your aura, you repel the solution for the problem, which may be just hovering around you.

It is another thing whether your anger makes any difference to the person against whom you are angry. But it will definitely make undesirable changes in your body. This will lead to tightening of DNA coils of each and every cell of your body and cause physical disease and mental agony.

Next time when you get angry, take five deep breaths and think coolly what can be the probable solution for the problem at hand. And you will be surprised at what a speed you arrive at the solution!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Think beyond the body

In a day of 24 hours, how much time do we spend to do things concerning food? Do you think we are just these physical bodies? Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body? This point needs to be thought about during our lives. Otherwise nature will force you to think by bringing you to such a point of events. Intelligent ones are those who do without having to encounter catastrophic events in life.

Animals do eating, breathing, and procreation too. What do you think is the difference between animals and human beings? We have been bestowed with the power of discrimination, and the power of choice of action. If we don’t utilize these faculties, we are just living like animals.

We do so many things for the upkeep of our body. From today, make a pledge to do something for the healthy upkeep of your mind and soul as well. You have to just make the decision and then watch how the Nature keeps guiding you. When you enter a dark room suddenly, you can’t see anything clearly. But as your eyes adjust, things start revealing itself. Same way, once you make this decision in life, unbelievable things will start revealing themselves in your ordinary day-to-day life.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hold onto your goodness

Next time when somebody irritates or shows his anger towards you, hold on a second before you start reacting in the same fashion. Take five deep breaths and look at his face. Keeping your glance at his face, relax your facial muscles, especially the eye muscles. You will be in for a surprise. You will see the actual mental status of the person written all over his face.
It may be loneliness, depression or sadness. He is trying to overcome that by throwing his tantrum at you. So, instead of retorting, bring out the goodness in you. Respond in a calm and matter of fact way. Or just flash an understanding smile.
When he/she is behaving nastily, if you stoop down to that level, you have let him/her win. DonĂ‚’t let anything make you lose your goodness, hold onto it!

Next time when somebody irritates or shows his anger towards you, hold on a second before you start reacting in the same fashion. Take five deep breaths and look at his face. Keeping your glance at his face, relax your facial muscles, especially the eye muscles. You will be in for a surprise. You will see the actual mental status of the person written all over his face.

It may be loneliness, depression or sadness. He is trying to overcome that by throwing his tantrum at you. So, instead of retorting, bring out the goodness in you. Respond in a calm and matter of fact way. Or just flash an understanding smile.

When he/she is behaving nastily, if you stoop down to that level, you have let him/her win. Don’t let anything make you lose your goodness, hold onto it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Enact your role, don’t identify with it

If you are acting in a drama or a movie, once you finish your performance, you come to your normal self. This world is a stage and we are all performing our varied roles. It is  along path. The sad aspect is that we identify with the role so much that we never come back to our real selves.

See for example people writing ‘Ex- minister’ or ‘Ex- Principal’. They are not ready to leave the past behind. What are you at this very moment? Are you a good human being? Are you helping anybody in any way, at least by giving a beautiful smile?

When you started our life, you were somebody’s son or daughter and that was the primary role you had to do. Later more roles will be adding on to this and they have to be performed. But all the while you have to introspect and try to find out who the real you are.

When finally your children go away and you retire from your job, you get more time to be in touch with your real self and experience the joy and peace within. This is possible only if you have been doing the introspection during the early years. Those who have not been doing this, well, God save them. You can very well identify these people; they will be full of complaints and finding fault with everything and everyone around them.

Make your tomorrows beautiful.

If we boil down all religions and sieve the remaining potion, what will remain? The ‘Cause and effect’! The whole creation runs on this universal law. If only we understand this and consider it seriously, life will become happier and peaceful.

Whatever we are experiencing right now, is because of our past actions or thoughts. If this realization sinks into our being, we will know that our tomorrows can be made better by today’s actions and thoughts.

Stop for a moment and find out what is the thought in your mind, or what is the action you are doing. What do you think will be its implication to your future? The effect of the causes you are creating will definitely materialize. It is only a matter of time, which we can’t predict.

So, be in complete awareness all the time and enjoy beautiful tomorrows!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Finding the solution

The problems in life that hold us down, delay our progress, have not originated in a day or two. It has been amalgamating over a period of time, through our own doing, or lack of doing.

If we take half an hour to walk down a certain distance, how much time do you think we will need to get back to the starting point? It will take the same amount of time, unless a friend happens to drive past and he decides to give you a lift.

Similarly, the time to find solution for a particular problem will take about the same time that you have taken to create it. But once you start searching for the solution earnestly, the Nature goes all out to give you that lift to take you to your goal in a jiffy!