Monday, December 06, 2021

Does distant (online) Reiki attunements work?

I consider my attunement classes sacred and it gives time and opportunity to understand the participant and guide them according to their belief system. Even many years back I had done online attunements when it was impossible for the participant to travel to my place and they really wanted to get attuned. And they were effective.

During Lockdown

Then it became sort of a norm to attune online because travel was not an option. This situation brought faith in the process in many participants. And innumerable people got benefited. It helped them to combat the infection smoothly if they got it, and was tremendously beneficial to maintain a balanced mental status.

The recent experience

I was having an online Reiki attunement a couple of days back. After the attunement I always ask about their experience, which will be wide and varied. As she started describing, I was getting goose bumps. She was describing the exact sequence of the attunement process that I was doing, in my mind! It just blew me off. Of course, every participant won’t feel the same way. They have to have their sixth sense developed to experience it.

This experience totally removed any remaining iota of doubt about the efficacy of distant attunements from my mind.

The catch

But there is a catch. The participants should be chosen carefully. If they have a strong negative attitude or disbelief about distant attunement, it will come in the way of their experience and they may not benefit much.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Daily Protection with Purple Shield

 This is a powerful protective shield which should be done every morning. It is done only for the day time, as it may come in the way of a deep sleep at night.

1.       Say aloud or in your mind, “Mother, father, God, please send me purple shield”.

2.       Now imagine a purple colored egg with two walls.


3.       Imagine yourself and all your immediate family members inside this purple egg. If your children are married, theirs is a different family, you can’t include them. You can make a separate energy field for their family.

4.       Imagine Reiki energy filling up the space between the two walls of the purple egg. If you are a Reiki II channel, draw the Reiki symbols in this space and chant the names thrice.

5.       Now tell in your mind or aloud, “Please protect (names of each member) from - - am to - - pm (or “from the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to sleep at night”) and go back to the source of Light.”

Monday, October 04, 2021

Developing A positive Attitude

There has been too much stress on ‘staying positive’ and shunning all things ‘negative’ in the New Age spirituality. In the soul state, we all are “Sat Chit Ananda”, which is translated as "Truth Consciousness Bliss", "Reality Consciousness Bliss", or "Existence Consciousness Bliss". When we are in the human form, so many veils of ignorance (acquired over many incarnations) cover this ultimate truth and we consider ourselves as limited beings with limited knowledge, in a miserable state.  Human birth is considered precious because in this form, by constant effort and detachment, we can experience that eternal truth.

Our human existence is to experience the limitations, understand the duality that is part of the Maya, and then transcend to the realms of inner bliss. When duality is concerned, positive and negative aspects are very much parts of the earthly life. Can we shun all things negative? Is it practical?

Positive thought vs negative thought

Human beings have minds, the duty of which is to think. When we think, we feel it, as emotions and in the body as expansion or contraction of the body. Every positive thought will bring with it a feel good factor, a sense of joy and calm, an expansive sense of the physical body. On the other hand, a negative thought will bring restlessness, the physical body feels contracted, which leads to chemical secretions in the body that bring down the immunity level and cause physical illness, if repeated overtime.

Should we shun all negative thoughts?

No, negative thoughts have a role in keeping us safe. Negative thoughts come to spur you into action. For example, when water spills on the kitchen floor, a negative thought comes that somebody may slip, fall down, and get injured. Immediately you mop it up, the negative thought disappears.

But in another situation, when one is overweight and diseased, the doctor advises weight reduction. He explains the sequence of events if weight reduction is not done. This is to encourage you to take action towards weight reduction. If you chart out a plan and do it diligently, the problem ends. But in majority of cases, the action is not taken and every waking moment is spent in thinking of all the problems awaiting with the overweight status. This will only make the situation worse.

Take action, do not drown in the sea of negative thoughts

In this world of duality, we have to deal with both positive and negative aspects. When you know that negative thoughts are just there for you to take action, you won’t be lingering in that thought. You will do what needs to be done and that negative thought no longer remains in your mental/emotional field to cause illnesses.

Positive attitude vs negative attitude

Have you noticed that some people have a generally positive attitude and some others a negative attitude? How does this happen?

When majority of the time it is positive thoughts that are lingering in the mind, slowly it becomes a habit and he/she develops a positive attitude. Constant negative thoughts lead to a negative attitude in the person. You should understand that a person with a positive attitude will also get negative thoughts, but they don’t let those thoughts linger in their mind.

Expansion and contraction of the body

If for a moment you close your eyes and notice the character of your thoughts and sense whether your physical body feels expanded or contracted, you will notice that the body feels expanded with positive thoughts and vice versa. When the body feels expanded, the feel good hormones are being secreted, and the immunity is getting boosted up.

When the body feels contracted, the blood vessels are contracted too, and the secretion of hormones is restricted.

Develop a positive attitude

So, to remain physically and mentally healthy and active, a positive attitude is very helpful. But remember, it is not shunning of negative thoughts. 

For this, start with the exercise of watching your thoughts thrice a day and taking action when it is a negative thought and feeling the expansion of the body and joy within you when it is a positive thought. Take care to keep the company of people with a positive attitude, and give attention to the food you consume. Do this for 21 days, to make it into a habit and you will be surprised to see what a positive attitude you have developed overtime!

If you want to go ahead on this path, Listen to this :  CLICK HERE

Saturday, August 28, 2021

A curse in your family?

 When people suffer from long term physical, economical and relationship problems, majority of the times, it is because of their attitude to life and their current karmas. Instead of assessing one’s character and behaviour and bring about change, which is going to take a lot of patience, honesty and perseverance, it is much easier to attribute the misfortune to external factors. These are curse in the family and black magic.

What is a curse?

It can be defined as a solemn utterance in words or in the mind, intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. It is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object.

Coming to ancestral curse, according to The Gospel Coalition, a “generational curse describes the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past, and a consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down.” Our families’ history and baggage impacts us, whether we like it or not. You may consider your family a blessing, or consider them a burden because of the long history of negative traits they’ve passed down.

There are many examples of generational curse: death of several infants, series of accidents, unmarried children getting older in the family, and continuous physical problems

Illicit income

In our culture great importance is given to the food consumed. We know the importance of sattwik cooking, as the thought waves are generated by the food we eat. When we go deeper than that, the reason for much of the suffering becomes clear. The source of the income that is used to provide the food has a great impact on the family health and environment. In today’s time this fact is so commonly overlooked, because having illicit income has sort of become a norm.

In my childhood, there used to be whispers of somebody taking bribe and they used to be looked down upon. In my youth, I heard mother in laws talking proudly, “My son in law’s salary is Rs. -----, but he earns Rs. ----- over that every month. So my daughter will be happy, as she can have a lavish life.” This was about the bribe he was taking, and I used to wonder, “Really? She is going to be happy living on money received as bribe?”

But people are happy and enjoying with such money

I get to hear this over and over again from youngsters who are starting their life after completing their studies. Outwardly all those with huge money do look so happy, with all the pomp and show. For one, you really don’t know the inside stories, which are pathetic, and they are putting up a facade. Secondly, the Universe is very kind and lenient majority of the times. It gives a long rope, providing adequate time to mend one’s ways and live a dharmic life. But ultimately the noose tightens, and then there is no way out.

Over many decades I have been watching this worldly drama going on around. And in every single instance, the law of karma finally unfolded. We all know that the universal law of karma says – what you sow, so shall you reap. Only thing is no one knows the time frame. Depending on the good deeds the person did in the earlier years of this life or in past lives, it may manifest in a few years, or it may take 30 to 40 years.

So here, it is the curse from one’s own karma, not a familial curse or somebody’s black magic.

Curse from ancestors

In the current generation, there is a resistance from the youth to get married and settle down. The parents are still of the old way of thinking, and they want to finish off their duty of ‘marrying off’ their children. And when the children resist tooth and nail, this is attributed to ‘familial curse’ and there are people taking advantage of this opportunity to squeeze out money from the distressed parents in the name of conducting remedial measures.

Since I am a healer and many people approach me with this situation, I have given deep thought to it. The older generations considered it their duty to obey their parents. The current generation will question the parents and if they are not satisfied, they won’t obey blindly.

In this particular situation, the parents should evaluate their own married life. Was it loving and harmonious, so that the kids can look forward to such a life after marriage. If the non working mother has been ill treated by the father, she makes sure her daughters stand on their feet so that they don’t have to stay in a marriage for economic reasons. And once the daughter starts earning, she finds she can lead a life she wants, doing everything she likes to do, without tolerating tantrums from a spouse. She chooses not to marry since she has no faith in the institution of marriage.

I think in this case, there can be a possibility of a familial curse, even though I would consider it as a blessing from a great lady of the past. When that lady had spent her life time literally like a slave to her husband, looking after all his comforts, receiving no loving actions from him, instead, being slapped once in a while (yes, this happens in educated and even in octogenarian couples), her heart burns at the thought of future female generations and a blessing, ‘May the girls of my future generations be relieved from the chain of marriage” is released.

From the other gender too

It is not necessary that only ladies have influence on future generations. A man, on finding he has no compatibility with his wife, is forced to lead a miserable life because he cannot go for a separation due to familial pressure. Every waking moment his heart may be projecting a message that makes the future male progenies decide not to marry.

Is there a way out?

We can adopt one of the many approaches to maintain the peace and calm inside, irrespective of the experiences life throws at us

1.    -- Everything that happens with and around us, is only because of us, and us alone. Once we take up that responsibility, we will start looking for remedial measures and the Universe will steer us through correct path.

2.     -- There is a specific time for things to happen. Always remember, we cannot receive anything before time and beyond our luck (or destiny, which is generated from our past karmas).

3.     -- Believe the great saying of Lord Krishna, “You have right over the actions you do, but not on the fruits of those actions.”

4.     -- Finally, choose your friends wisely to have ‘Satsang’, or companionship of people who follow a virtuous life style.







Saturday, August 07, 2021

Reiki healing request in Reiki groups.

Once you have been doing Reiki self healing for many years and have been witnessing miracles in your daily life, you develop unshakeable faith in the powers of Reiki. It not only provides direct physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic, and social healing, but also brings into our life whatever is needed for our well being and growth. For example, if one has to get a surgery done, Reiki will bring in the reference of a  good surgeon. If one is inclined to learn astrology, he/she will be provided with a very good teacher.

Role of Reiki groups

We being humans, with the passage of time, complacency sets in, and the importance of daily Reiki self healing gets forgotten. Some short cuts are sought, some days are missed, or we do not heal all the required points. This is detrimental to our well being. As I always say, it is equivalent to not brushing every single tooth in the mouth (me being a dentist J) daily.

When we interact with members of the Reiki group, it acts as an incentive to do our daily healing practice diligently. On hearing about the Reiki miracles happening, we get inspired.

Another great advantage of being in a group is getting Reiki healing from multiple people when one (or a family member/ close friend) needs healing for a problem encountered. Here, the effect is not 1+1=2, but 1+1=11. The effectiveness of Reiki healing from multiple sources is very strong. Apart from that, when we give Reiki to a family member, we are so much attached to the outcome and that comes in the way of the manifestation of the result. When the group members are sending Reiki, they are not clinging on to the results.

What is the energy exchange?

Reiki healing when given to somebody, there has to be an energy exchange so that the karmic debt is not carried over. In a Reiki group where all are Reiki channels, when one receives a healing from multiple people, it becomes that person’s obligation to give Reiki healing for the next five (at least) requests. If healing request is for a person in severe crisis, the group members can send healing for four days. Since a number of people are sending healing, it is very powerful.

We know that for acute problems 7 days healing is sufficient and 21 days healing is recommended for chronic problems. In these situations, it is better to approach a Reiki healer separately.

There are some important factors to be considered here. Let us have a look at them.

Daily self healing mandatory

When you have to give healing for someone else, it is very important to make sure that you are doing your daily self healing in the proper way. There are two aspects to this. One is, when you are trying to send healing, the energy will first replenish your own energy field. If you have not done your healing, most of the energy will remain with you, there will be much less to go to the other person. Secondly, I have witnessed some Reiki channels feeling drained out, or picking up symptoms (temporarily), if their self healing practice has not been optimal.

When should the energy be sent?

It is ideal to send the healing the moment one reads the request for healing. We may think of sending it later, but there are good chances of forgetting it. Reiki I channels do not have distance healing training, so they can just send prayers. Significance of prayers has been proven beyond doubt. When a Reiki channel sends prayer, it carries more power.

Is a comment necessary?

Once you have sent the healing, is it necessary to put a comment regarding that? My answer is a big YES. It gives an indication to the person that you have sent the healing and it is a morale booster. Apart from that, it has a strong placebo effect too. Look here to see how great a role placebo plays:

To me, it is a common courtesy to let the other person know when you have done something for them. 

Thursday, June 03, 2021

The opening chapter in a bulbul's life

Since I became a Reiki channel, plants and animals have a special and close relationship with me. Injured animals and birds do visit me for healing. Cats and dogs just stop for a while in front of me, with that particular look in their eyes. I know they are asking for a boost of energy and I am always glad to provide.

Building a nest on our window

When I noticed a blackhead bulbul inspecting our window on April 25th, I felt it was planning to build a nest and was about to chase it away. My daughter prevented me saying, “They don’t dirty the place like pigeons, so allow them to make the nest. Let them be happy if they want to be near you.”

So I let them build the nest. What a dedicated full day job it was! It was so good to see the couple working in synchronization.  I recorded their effort for half hour. They will fly away to find and bring twigs and straw, then wrap it around the window grill. Most of the time they were away searching. So I edited it and made a six and a half minute video, “Bird building nest on our window” and published. I loved watching that video.


A 7 year old found the video depressing, which shocked me. I asked why it was depressing. The answer: “It takes so long to build the nest.”

That statement opened my eyes to the general view prevalent now. When we were building our lives, we knew that ‘Things Take Time’ (TTT) and were toiling for years to save money and buy that refrigerator, the car, the house etc.,  

Now is the ‘Fast food era’ where people want things fast and immediately. The TTT has been replaced by WIN, ‘Want It Now’.

Roots need to go deeper for the tree to grow taller

The basic rule of Nature is that you can’t hurry up things. Everything is designed to grow, mature and fully manifest in a certain period. If we hurry things up, it will compromise on the quality. A pried opened bud cannot manifest the inherent beauty or spread the fragrance. This is one basic lesson we need to learn and teach our children early on in their life.

The bulbul’s life story

The nest was completed in a day and later the bird started warming the eggs. The nest was visible from our living room (where we spend most of the day) and the dining table. After the eggs hatched, every day just before sunrise we would see the parents collecting food for the babies.

We would be having our breakfast and watch the babies being fed. Same thing during our lunch time too. In the afternoon, for about an hour or so the parents used to disappear. May be taking that much needed rest!

It was so fascinating to see in front of our eyes the bulbuls growing day by day, developing wings and feathers. They were gaining strength and I found it so interesting to watch them exercising to develop their wings.

It is a matter of great joy that they visit us even now, after they flew off the nest. 

To watch the movie of their life story, CLICK HERE

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Taking control back from your fears

 Human beings are very much a part of the Universe and are bound by the Universal laws. Think of all those planets rotating and revolving in their fixed paths. 

If they decide to do ‘what they feel like doing’, can you imagine what havoc it can create? Everything in the Universe is set in an order for proper, smooth functioning, and every being has a role to play, which is concerned more with helping and nurturing others and the surrounding. Human beings have taken things in their hands since long and the Earth is being depleted and destroyed.

What is our role?

If we listen to our body and heart, we know what is our role because we are endowed with ‘Vivek Shakti' (power of discrimination), which helps us to distinguish between ‘right and wrong’, ‘true and false’, and ‘reality and illusion’.

If we have been ignoring our inner voice, or going against its guidance, we lose our power of discrimination. This is very detrimental for a stable, peaceful living. In this situation we can get all the guidance we need from our scriptures.

Surrender to the Universe

When the Universe decides to strike back whenever our detrimental actions go too far, we have to be just patient and tide over the difficult times. We need to do our karma according to our dharma and maintain the inner calm. This is easier said than done, especially when the fear psychosis is swirling around like a hurricane. Fear is a crippling and destructive emotion.

Let’s talk about Fear

Whereas fear takes you into a downward spiral, faith uplifts you, faith in the justice of Universal laws, faith in yourself, faith in the goodness of others. Always remember, fear and faith cannot co-exist. Fear may be related to so many things, but ultimately, everything will come under one of these five:

1.       Fear of death

2.       Fear of losing near and dear ones

3.       Fear of losing health

4.       Fear of losing wealth and materialistic things

5.       Fear of losing name, fame and respect from others

An easy meditation to tackle the fear and instil faith

In a totally relaxed state, you will be guided to bring out the fear from each body cell to the Heart space which is a great alchemist. As you watch the different layers of fear being destroyed one by one, you will feel a sense of relief and peace. Finally those empty spaces left on destruction of fear are filled with healing light that bring in faith. At the end of the meditation you will experience a definite shift in your  attitude and mental state.

To start this meditation, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tunnel Travel Technique (TTT) for the body shape you dream of...

When you are on a path of weight reduction, most go through the Yo- Yo phase and remain in this phase for years together. When you are aiming at weight reduction, there is no concrete picture in your mind.

Involving the senses

The more of the five senses we can involve in any of our attempts, the brain gets a definite picture on what and how to work with. First of all we need to have a mental image of our body that we are aiming for. One needs to be able to hold on to that image with closed eyes. If you find that hard in the initial stage, Photoshop your picture to the shape that you want to achieve and store it on your phone or PC.

When you look at that picture, the brain gets visual impulses to work on. As your body is slowly reducing in size, you feel your clothes becoming loose, providing kinaesthetic impulses. When you start looking thinner, you get compliments, here come the auditory impulses. As the body size gets more towards the optimum, you won’t be able to wear the old clothes and you will have to buy new dresses. When you wear those new clothes, close your eyes and enjoy the smell of new clothes, thus olfactory impulses are also provided.

Introducing Tunnel Travel Technique

This is a hypnotic technique that I received during my meditation. Under hypnotic trance you will visualise a long tunnel, you are looking down from above the tunnel.  There are six mirror partitions in between. At the other end, outside the tunnel stands the future you with the optimum body shape.

In the next step, you are entering the tunnel. You will be guided through imagery necessary to bring reduction in your body size. As you are walking through the tunnel, you come to the first mirror partition, with an opening in the centre to pass through. Before passing through, you will have a good look at your image on the mirror and notice the change in your body shape and outline.

Passing through 6 partitions

 You keep walking through the tunnel, listening to the guided imagery, finally coming to the 7th chamber.  And when you finally emerge out, you are face to face with the final you, with the body of your dreams.

To be continued for 21 days

This needs to be done continuously for 21 days and you will get the final result if the discrepancy between your current body size and the size you want to achieve is not high. But if you are aiming to achieve a medium (M) size from an Extra Extra Extra Large size (XXXL), you need to take a week off and then repeat 21 days again., may be a couple of times more.

Instructions to be followed before opening the video

Set aside about 20 minutes daily just to do this session. Are you willing to dedicate that much time for 21 days to get trim and fit?

First time, you need to watch the whole video so that you know exactly what and how to visualise as you listen to my voice. Then onwards, you will follow the instruction and keep your eyes closed for the session.

So, all the best for this journey towards the NEW YOU!

For the video, CLICK HERE 


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hypnosis - A Fast method to harness the subconscious mind

Neuroscientists are of the opinion that we are conscious of only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. Most of our emotions, decisions, actions, and behaviour depend on the 95 percent of brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness. About 40 percent of behaviour is habitual, and it takes anywhere between 15 to over 250 days to form a new habit.

Subconscious mind – the bigger player

About 90 percent of your total brain function is through the unintentional aspect of your mind, or the Subconscious mind. It is a vast collection of unintentional, habitual thoughts, behaviours, and actions. Actually, we can infer that the phrase that best describes the Subconscious mind is “No Choice”.

Around the year 2000, researchers learned that most of the decisions (up to 90%) we make are unconscious.

Processing by Conscious versus Subconscious mind

The conscious mind can only process 40 bits of info/sec, whereas the subconscious mind can process 20 000 000 bits of info per second. This means the subconscious mind can process 500 000 time more what the conscious mind is able to, which makes it bigger and far more powerful than the conscious mind.

The subconscious mind can change beliefs suddenly and irrevocably, but more importantly, it can hold onto wrong beliefs even when the evidence for change is present right in front of you. It is the powerful background system that runs everything in your life.

Our data bank

The subconscious mind is a data-bank for everything that is not in your conscious mind. Whatever you have seen, done or thought is right there. It stores all your memories, beliefs, previous experiences, and skills. May be we can equate habits with unconscious behaviour and non-habits with conscious behaviour. This brings us to the question:

Can you control your subconscious?

The Universe has given humans an absolute control over the information that enters the subconscious mind, through the five senses. Sadly, in the majority of cases the average person does not exercise this control. There are ways to hack your subconscious mind and unlock your magnificent life.

We can achieve this through visualization, positive affirmations, positive reinforcement, meditation, and by keeping a gratitude journal. 

It takes an average of 66 days to reprogram the subconscious mind with intentional effort. However, depending on your limiting beliefs, it can take up to a year or more to see result.

Here comes Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a purely natural state that allows direct access to the subconscious mind. It is an artificially enhanced state of suggestibility, resembling sleep. Nevertheless, it is not sleep. With hypnosis we can by-pass what would require a prolonged or circuitous re-learning program in our fully conscious state. There is no physical intrusion; it is simply a self-contrived change of mental awareness.

It is an altered state of consciousness, one in which the individual clearly feels a qualitative shift in her/his pattern of mental functioning. The hypnosis state is identical to the state of full consciousness with 3 exceptions:

1.       Concentration will be focused completely (without the normal distractions of the reasoning, waking conscious mode);

2.       Every muscle will be relaxed;

3.       There is an increase in the acuity of the senses – hearing, touch and smell.

A safe process

Hypnosis is a purely natural state and a sudden withdrawal of the hypnotist will not abandon the subject to an unending trance. And more importantly, the client has the control and the hypnotist is not able to perform anything against the subject’s will.

Hypnotherapy sesssions can be done in person or through video call. Both are equally effective.

It is a very relaxing, energizing, delightful and empowering experience, as you can hear from these feedbacks after Impromptu hypnosis: CLICK HERE


Friday, February 19, 2021

Power of Human Vibrations

As one walks the spiritual path and the aura gets clearer and wider, it will attract vibrations from others more easily. It is like if your house is filled with dust, daily accumulation of dust is not going to make much visible difference. Imagine you did a thorough dusting and cleaning of your house in the morning and when you look around in the evening, don’t you think you will notice the accumulated dust?

For this reason it is advised to be careful about the company one keeps. Recently I came to understand this very clearly. 

It is my routine in the  morning to gather flowers from the garden and after bath arrange them in different areas of the house.

The gorgeous hibiscus

There is one hibiscus flower that is so beautiful that I usually keep it in the drawing room.

Another characteristic of this flower is that on the next day morning when I change flowers, this particular one will  still be looking beautiful.

So I keep it aside till the evening and then only discard.

Wilted flower by same evening

One day a guest came, we had a nice conversation along with evening tea. I was not comfortable with his vibration. After he left, I noticed that this hibiscus flower that I had kept in the morning was wilted so much and I had to discard it immediately. My husband was so surprised to see this and it left an impact on him. It also substantiated my uneasiness with that person’s vibration.