Thursday, May 13, 2021

Taking control back from your fears

 Human beings are very much a part of the Universe and are bound by the Universal laws. Think of all those planets rotating and revolving in their fixed paths. 

If they decide to do ‘what they feel like doing’, can you imagine what havoc it can create? Everything in the Universe is set in an order for proper, smooth functioning, and every being has a role to play, which is concerned more with helping and nurturing others and the surrounding. Human beings have taken things in their hands since long and the Earth is being depleted and destroyed.

What is our role?

If we listen to our body and heart, we know what is our role because we are endowed with ‘Vivek Shakti' (power of discrimination), which helps us to distinguish between ‘right and wrong’, ‘true and false’, and ‘reality and illusion’.

If we have been ignoring our inner voice, or going against its guidance, we lose our power of discrimination. This is very detrimental for a stable, peaceful living. In this situation we can get all the guidance we need from our scriptures.

Surrender to the Universe

When the Universe decides to strike back whenever our detrimental actions go too far, we have to be just patient and tide over the difficult times. We need to do our karma according to our dharma and maintain the inner calm. This is easier said than done, especially when the fear psychosis is swirling around like a hurricane. Fear is a crippling and destructive emotion.

Let’s talk about Fear

Whereas fear takes you into a downward spiral, faith uplifts you, faith in the justice of Universal laws, faith in yourself, faith in the goodness of others. Always remember, fear and faith cannot co-exist. Fear may be related to so many things, but ultimately, everything will come under one of these five:

1.       Fear of death

2.       Fear of losing near and dear ones

3.       Fear of losing health

4.       Fear of losing wealth and materialistic things

5.       Fear of losing name, fame and respect from others

An easy meditation to tackle the fear and instil faith

In a totally relaxed state, you will be guided to bring out the fear from each body cell to the Heart space which is a great alchemist. As you watch the different layers of fear being destroyed one by one, you will feel a sense of relief and peace. Finally those empty spaces left on destruction of fear are filled with healing light that bring in faith. At the end of the meditation you will experience a definite shift in your  attitude and mental state.

To start this meditation, CLICK HERE


Anonymous said...

Listening to your voice put me to deep sleep. After the meditation felt some weight has been lifted. The feeling was amazing. Felt light and very happy almost esctatic. Thank you. And God Bless you

Prof. Dr. Beena Rani Goel said...

Wow! I am so happy! Thank you for the feed back _/\_