Sunday, May 10, 2020

Manifesting goals and changing your destiny

For every person who is successful in ‘manifesting goals’ or ‘changing the destiny’, I find nine people who have miserably failed, in spite of following various techniques very sincerely for long periods of time.
I just typed ‘Manifesting goals’ on Google search and I was really amused by the amount of information and the number of videos that popped up. It is really interesting to have some idea on this:
1.       In this video, I share a few insights into some simple practices that you can do to help you manifest your goals
2.       Guided Meditation/hypnosis for Manifesting your goals and dreams by connecting with your SOUL ENERGY
3.       How to manifest your goals FAST
4.       The three step goal setting and manifestation formula
5.       How to manifest your goals by scripting
6.       Manifesting goals  through law of attraction
7.       No.1 secret to faster manifestation
8.       Three days manifestation technique
9.       Manifest your ultimate goals and destiny
..... and on and on and on...

What is the purpose of your incarnation?

For a moment let us pause and think about the purpose of our incarnation. The Earth is a school and we are here to learn certain lessons. Each lesson once learnt, is planned to take us to higher or deeper lessons. When we don’t learn, or refuse to learn from an experience, it keeps repeating, intensifying with each repetition. We are here to experience and enjoy this materialistic world, without getting totally pulled into its drama. The fact that we are souls having a human experience here should finally become an experiential fact. In the materialistic world, nothing succeeds like Ego and in the world of consciousness, nothing fails like Ego.

Where do we stand (as humans) in the Universe?

Copernicus introduced the idea of heliocentric universe, leaving Earth as just one planet among the others orbiting the Sun. The seventeenth century realization that the stars were heavenly bodies like our own Sun, located at incomprehensibly far distances, changed completely the position of our Sun and of ourselves in the cosmos. The Sun was just another star like the others, endlessly travelling its lonely path through space.  During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, astronomers found that our Sun was a member of a huge star system, the Milky Way.
With improved measurements of distances outside of our Galaxy, this huge 100,000 light-year wide system turned out to be just one among multitudes of others, such as the nearby (over two million light-year distant!)  Andromeda galaxy. In modern cosmology, Copernicus’ ideas have been extended to the ultimate in that our home location in the universe does not appear to be special in any way. In this situation, where do you think we stand?
It doesn’t help to think of humans as something special. We are part of this Universe, just like any other being. Generally speaking, other beings take as little as possible from the earth and contribute to the best of their ability; we extract much more than needed and are not bothered to put in maximum contribution.

Imagine a common place scenario

Scene 1:

 It may be easier to understand our need to manifest from where we belong. Imagine a household, the parents, a daughter and a son. The kids are small and need a lot of attention from the mother. They all have aspirations to do different things during the weekend. After a hectic week, the mother wants to spend time with her friends. The father wants to play badminton the whole morning and ‘loosen up’ with friends in the evening over a beer party. The daughter wants to go for her dance class in the morning and the son wants to go for his football game. Children are not old enough to go by themselves and either the mother or father has to accompany them.
Imagine that all four of them are trying to manifest their wishes, how do you think it will work out? Each one of us is not a separate entity; we are just dots in the infinite matrix. Or a single piece of the huge  jigsaw puzzle that is the Universe. If we try to manifest something which doesn’t synchronize with others around us, or the other puzzle pieces, it is difficult for it to happen.

Scene 2

The father is a daily wage earner and at the end of the day he brings rice, dal and some vegetable, which his wife will cook for dinner. The son demands chapatis and the daughter dosas. Tell me, will it be possible to fulfil their demands?
At the soul level we decide what experiences we want to go through during this life time and according to that we decide our place of birth, parents, capabilities  and the surroundings. As we incarnate, we start comparing our lives with those of others and we get into a groove of perpetual dissatisfaction and sadness because we are unable to have what they are having, whether it is opulence, career, or relationships.

Look for happiness inside

We can reach a place of bliss and peace only by realising that they reside inside of us, not by accumulating or achieving things. Whatever is destined to come to us, which we decided at the soul level, will come to us. We have created the present destiny through the previous karma. Realising this at the intellectual level will be of no help at all. It has to reach the experiential level, beyond which we are rooted in a blissful state. This takes years of understanding and sadhana, which makes it possible to just do our karma in a state of surrender and peace.
Finallly, it may help us and the Universe if we can switch from our ‘Want based approach’ to ‘Need based approach.’


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