Sunday, April 26, 2020

Are you being rebooted?

I am not in the habit of taking nap daily. After the lockdown, I am forced to take a nap once in two days or so because I feel so sleepy. When I work on computer in the afternoon, I will fall asleep while typing something. When this happened a couple of times, I saw that my work was not progressing and decided to hit the bed. One day my mobile phone almost fell off my hand as I was sitting and checking the messages. During chanting with mala in the hand, the mala slips down multiple times.  Then I tried reading a book, and realised that the page was not progressing even after half hour because after reading a few sentences I would fall asleep, and then when I open my eyes, I would have forgotten what was read, so go back to the same sentences and so on.
While in these sleeping episodes I was totally transported into a very deep state which was rather unique. After ten days of same pattern, it set me thinking. I decided to take a close look at it from different perspectives.

Astrologically speaking..

2020 marks the opening of a new world era signified by rare outer planetary alignments. It is a significant year that requires a new set of rules and assumptions about time and reality. During January until December 2020 we will experience the very rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (first time since 1284!).The meeting of Saturn and Pluto signifies a key turning point in the journey of transition and fundamental changes to the world as we know it. Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth, entered Capricorn on December 3, 2019 and will remain until December 19, 2020. Jupiter will conjoin with Pluto exactly on April 5th, June 30th and November 13th to start a new 13-year Jupiter-Pluto cycle. Two strong energies meet, with one wanting to go to the heights (Jupiter) while the other draws to the depths (Pluto).

Saturn in Aquarius: Change is in the Air!

(March 22, 2020 – March 7, 2023): In the airy climate of Aquarius, Saturn works hard at forming a bridge between ideas of the past that have proven their usefulness and the unfolding concepts for the future. The emphasis is on reordering structures and boundaries, making connections, distributing information, and developing innovations to achieve a better future for humankind. As the co-ruler of Aquarius Saturn is the “planetary Gatekeeper for the New Age” preparing the planet and all its inhabitants for the new consciousness.
It is important for us to realize that now is the time to open our hearts more deeply than ever before and there’s no point in fighting it.


This is the only year we are likely to live through wherein the first two digits will match the second two digits.  May be we can consider this a special privilege. 2020 tells us to be prepared for what is coming our way. Emotional and physical changes are about to enter our lives and we need to be prepared both mentally and physically.
A quantifiable physical change in the Universe follows when there is an energy shift. This shift may be around you as in the environment or in other individuals, and it can also occur inside you.  5D ascension timeline is happening now.

During the process of spiritual awakening, we become aware of more dimensions than the one reality we are living in and the one that we know so well. As the higher dimensional energies start calling us we start resonating with them and go on our quest to find out more about who we truly are. We learn about universal energies and different frequencies and what ascension truly means: an energetic shift from 3D to 5D by raising our frequencies to a much higher level and transmuting low frequencies of fear into unconditional love up to a point where no fear / trigger is left. We come across a lot of information and are learning a lot about ourselves, the Universe and humanity.


This is the material world of fear. Energetically, this is a place of very low vibration, enhancing the illusion of separation, duality and free will. There is only one timeline (reality) available here and we live with the construct and illusion of the ego-mind of linear time. Through the illusion of duality we experience light and darkness, good and bad, joy and despair, better and worse. We have the choice to act as saints or demons. That is actually the only choice we have on this plane: Love or fear, light or darkness.


The magical dream world sets in here and it is also called the Astral Plane. It is a dimension that is less dense and much more fluid than the third dimension, but still has only one timeline (reality). It hosts the illusion of duality, the ego, and thus fear is able to exist here.


This is one of pure and unconditional love, with absence of fear. We totally start living from the heart. Here it is possible to tap into the collective consciousness through the altered mind, and learn more from there. The astral realm is a place where light and darkness come into conflict easily. Dark magic has its place here, dream walkers for example can influence us on this plane easily when we are still full of fear and have not learned yet to set healthy energetic boundaries, i.e. when we are able to create our own light and sustain it so that it simply absorbs the darkness. The body is lighter and of a different cellular structure. Our higher self gets fully integrated into our physical body and takes over the guidance. But before the higher self can be fully anchored into the physical body, the healing of all bodies (the mental, the emotional and the physical; healing = remembering our wholeness) has to be completed. Therefore, your higher self will slip in and out for a while until it can move in permanently. You will know when your higher self is integrated, when you do not question the universal flow and simply trust your journey. You do not feel the need to interfere or control that flow anymore. In 5D everything comes without an effort as we have rediscovered that the Universal energetic flow always guides us perfectly. We start connecting through our hearts and feel the connection and love instantly.
It is time for us to emerge as butterflies from our cocoons.

An upgradation

So, a definite upgradation is in the offing for the whole world in general and for individuals specifically. How much will come through your way will depend on how deeply you have been on your spiritual path in the last few years.  When you are upgrading your computer, after installing the software you need to reboot the computer right? This may be Nature’s way of rebooting us by making sure there is more sleeping time. So how many of you have been on the spiritual path seriously and are finding that you are feeling too sleepy?


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