Thursday, September 03, 2015

Reiki group healing

Reiki group healing used to happen regularly at ARTH (Academy for Reiki Training and Healing), Belgam. When three close associates moved away, some or how it was not happening. I really used to crave for a group healing because it always gave me amazing experiences.

When multiple Reiki channels are transmitting energy to you, it is very powerful. It feels like you are being lifted up. That feeling of floating in the air, with powerful vibrations all around you, is incomparable. Then that high energy status would stay with me at least a month.

A point came when I thought I could no longer wait for the experience. I called up some of the Reiki channels and fixed a group healing on 31st August 2015. It was a Monday, as Mondays are my Reiki days. Being a working day, some of them couldn’t come. Then some of them were out of station.

But I was determined, I had to make a start. So five of us came together and did group healing. Only two of us had experienced group healing before, for the other three it was a wonderful healing. They thanked me profusely and told that this should happen every month now.

My experience this time was a unique one. After I started Reiki healing almost two decades back,  my breathing rate has come down to a great extent (this happens with every serious Reiki practitioner). During the group healing, it came down further; it was as if I was not breathing at all. I could feel energy (prana) entering my body through every pore of my body and my inner self was whispering, ‘There is no need to breathe, you are soaked in prana’!!

Why the society is in a mess

When I was a man,
I performed man's duties,
To the best of my ability `
I came home after a hard day's labour,
To the loving embrace of my wife, 
Who prepared warm water for my bath,
And fed me what she had cooked,
With the ingredient of Love.

Seasons changed, roles changed.
I was born a girl, when it was time,
To marry the man I loved,
I was thinking of all the things
That I would do to make his life 
Comfortable and peaceful.

And he in turn, was planning things
To accomplish, to make me feel loved,
and cared for.

For centuries, man was happy,
Doing his duties,
He could appreciate things,
That his feminine counterpart
Did for him.

Then came a time,
Man started mistreating his better half,
Suppressing her, taking advantage of her.

For eons women suffered - 
Then came a day, they thought,
'Enough is enough, we're not weaklings,
We are equal to men',
They cut short their hair,
They wore men's clothes.
Took upon themselves men's occupations.

But alas! feminine duties also fell, 
Entirely on their tender shoulders, 
As men were not ready to lend a helping hand.

This imbalance couldn't last long,
And man got ready to help,
his better half.

Little does the mankind know
That every job is not for both. 
Man is endowed with physical strength, 
He can do physical work much faster
and easier than women.

Women are endowed with mental
And emotional strength.
They can be the pillar of the family,
Nourisher for babies,
Anchor for kids, much better than men.
Simply because that is how
Nature meant it to be.

Women are like the Earth,
The nourisher, the multiplier,
They need not prove they are
Equal to men.

Men are like the sky,
The protector, they are
not endowed with the role
of Nourisher by Nature.

Go deeper and understand,
Man and woman, they are
just roles taken by us.
To experience the joys and sorrows,
To go beyond,
To the ultimate realization,
that we are all just souls!
