Saturday, August 07, 2021

Reiki healing request in Reiki groups.

Once you have been doing Reiki self healing for many years and have been witnessing miracles in your daily life, you develop unshakeable faith in the powers of Reiki. It not only provides direct physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic, and social healing, but also brings into our life whatever is needed for our well being and growth. For example, if one has to get a surgery done, Reiki will bring in the reference of a  good surgeon. If one is inclined to learn astrology, he/she will be provided with a very good teacher.

Role of Reiki groups

We being humans, with the passage of time, complacency sets in, and the importance of daily Reiki self healing gets forgotten. Some short cuts are sought, some days are missed, or we do not heal all the required points. This is detrimental to our well being. As I always say, it is equivalent to not brushing every single tooth in the mouth (me being a dentist J) daily.

When we interact with members of the Reiki group, it acts as an incentive to do our daily healing practice diligently. On hearing about the Reiki miracles happening, we get inspired.

Another great advantage of being in a group is getting Reiki healing from multiple people when one (or a family member/ close friend) needs healing for a problem encountered. Here, the effect is not 1+1=2, but 1+1=11. The effectiveness of Reiki healing from multiple sources is very strong. Apart from that, when we give Reiki to a family member, we are so much attached to the outcome and that comes in the way of the manifestation of the result. When the group members are sending Reiki, they are not clinging on to the results.

What is the energy exchange?

Reiki healing when given to somebody, there has to be an energy exchange so that the karmic debt is not carried over. In a Reiki group where all are Reiki channels, when one receives a healing from multiple people, it becomes that person’s obligation to give Reiki healing for the next five (at least) requests. If healing request is for a person in severe crisis, the group members can send healing for four days. Since a number of people are sending healing, it is very powerful.

We know that for acute problems 7 days healing is sufficient and 21 days healing is recommended for chronic problems. In these situations, it is better to approach a Reiki healer separately.

There are some important factors to be considered here. Let us have a look at them.

Daily self healing mandatory

When you have to give healing for someone else, it is very important to make sure that you are doing your daily self healing in the proper way. There are two aspects to this. One is, when you are trying to send healing, the energy will first replenish your own energy field. If you have not done your healing, most of the energy will remain with you, there will be much less to go to the other person. Secondly, I have witnessed some Reiki channels feeling drained out, or picking up symptoms (temporarily), if their self healing practice has not been optimal.

When should the energy be sent?

It is ideal to send the healing the moment one reads the request for healing. We may think of sending it later, but there are good chances of forgetting it. Reiki I channels do not have distance healing training, so they can just send prayers. Significance of prayers has been proven beyond doubt. When a Reiki channel sends prayer, it carries more power.

Is a comment necessary?

Once you have sent the healing, is it necessary to put a comment regarding that? My answer is a big YES. It gives an indication to the person that you have sent the healing and it is a morale booster. Apart from that, it has a strong placebo effect too. Look here to see how great a role placebo plays:

To me, it is a common courtesy to let the other person know when you have done something for them. 


Zephyr said...

Do you have a group that facilitates this? Thanks!

Prof. Dr. Beena Rani Goel said...

Yes, we have a whatsapp group of Reiki channels and apart from group self healing online sessions, we meet every new moon and full moon for online group meditation.