Monday, October 26, 2020

Finding the purpose

As I entered the forest at dawn,

I gasped at the beauty of leaves so bright

The stately trunks, girths so broad,

Their skin glistening and smooth


The air was filled with fragrance divine,

From those colorful flowers all around

I spent hours roaming along,

Listening to the songs of birds abound,

Making a pledge to come again,

To bask in the beauty that I long for.


An year later as I trudged along

In anticipation of that dazzling sight

My feet stopped,

As I took in the heart wrenching sight

Of dead wood, dried leaves and rotten flowers.


I lost my strength, knees locked tight,

Sitting on a rock, letting flow my tears.

As my eyes dried up and I closed them,

The events in the past year flashed through.


I sensed the roots drawing water and nutrients,

The trunk doing the transportation,

Leaves making food for the whole tree,

Flowers engaged in ensuring lineage.


Then one day, as the trunk noticed the leaves,

Rustling in glee and dancing in the wind,

Remorse filled it up, as it craved to be like the leaf,

Stopping the duty that was the trunk's.


The roots sensed the trunk's remorse,

Thought of its whole life buried under,

Deprived of the wind and Sunlight,

And stopped doing its duty.


The fate of leaves and flowers was doomed,

Without the food and water coming up

From the roots through the trunk

And the forest died a painful death!


Five season later I happened to cross the path,

Of the forest that had died,

And wasn't I surprised to see,

The Heavenly beauty once again.


As I stood near the tree,

With my hands around the slender trunk,

I felt the whispers, 'Welcome back, my friend,

We won't disappoint you again,

We know the purpose of life now,

Each one is different  and our happiness lies,

In doing our duty to the fullest.

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