Sunday, February 24, 2019

Change your own belief system

I had a client consulting over the phone for Reiki. “I am only five feet tall, too short for a man to be. I can do so much in life. I am intelligent and capable of reaching high position in life. BUT for my short stature.”
He went on describing the drawbacks of being a short person, which wouldn’t have happened, I am sure, if he was having a face to face consultation because I am too short for a lady.
I gave him many examples of short people who have achieved great things in life. Later I attuned him to Reiki and instructed him to do daily self healing.

Obstacles from your own mind

He explained to me that during job interviews he could feel how the interviewer would take a glance and think low of him.
I have come across many instances where people lead pathetic lives because of ‘what people are saying (or even thinking about) to them.’ It is very important for them to analyse and find the deeper truth.

Others may say anything to you, but unless it resonates with your own belief system, it cannot affect you. I know it personally because people used to (and still do occasionally) look sympathetically at me and make remarks because I do not have a son. It never affected me, since in my mind, there was no iota of doubt that not having a son doesn't make me an inferior being in any respect.  

Totally your responsibility

You cannot wait for others to stop making remarks or looking down upon you to feel better. You need to just change your belief system and thinking pattern. Of course this can’t be achieved overnight. Because we acquire thought patterns and belief systems over many incarnations. It is a difficult task, but not impossible, but then on you can get in touch with the peace and tranquillity that reside within you!  

So next time when somebody makes a remark and you feel low, pause for a second. Look within and ask yourself, "Is this my belief too? Is there truth in what I heard just now? If it is not true, should I be affected? If there is truth, how long can I run away from the truth? What can I do to accept this truth and go ahead with my life?"

There are many approaches that can help you. Rational thinking, deep breathing, Reiki, and meditation are some of them.

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