Sunday, September 22, 2024

Reiki Hand Positions For Healing

There was an interesting query from a Reiki Channel recently:  “When you say, do healing every day after 21 days of cleansing period... what do u mean precisely?...still the 13 points..every day?

My answer:  Yes, all 13 points every day. It is equivalent to brushing all the teeth every day. Do you need to brush all the teeth? Do you need to brush every day? The answer is YES I hope. Same way to clean all the dirt from our mental emotional bodies (which we accumulate on a daily basis), we need to heal ALL 13 points EVERY single day.

I put this in my Reiki group for the benefit of others, which got followed up with another question:

“In line with this, recently I came across a friend who learnt Reiki last year. She mentioned 24 points, I wanted to know the difference between the 13 points that we learnt and those 24 points. Kindly clarify.”

  I thought that before answering that question I needed to bring attention how Reiki was influencing our lives. So I asked the group members “Let me ask something else. Whoever has been practicing Reiki healing for more than three months, please tell me what is Reiki's contribution to your life? Secondly, can you quote one (more than one is also welcome) Aha moment, a blessing, or a totally surprising incident that happened when you had requested Reiki.”

Here are some responses:

“It's been a very long time practicing Reiki. It’s almost 14 years now. I regularly do Reiki once a day and twice when I feel like.  Now Reiki practice has become an integral part of life. I request Reiki a number of times in a day. Few instances like, while driving if I'm late, I request for clear roads, no signals (many times I see green signals). I request Reiki for parking space, to my surprise, only enough space to park my car will be available. Ups and downs are part of life but with Reiki I'm able to come out of such situations.”

“I feel quite relaxed when I do Reiki self-healing. One incident I would like to quote, when I was travelling on first day of my periods which are very painful I practiced Reiki  in flight and I was asleep for around 8 hours waking up feeling much lighter. I realized that was the only solution I had at that time which worked.”

“I am practicing Reiki from last 8 years. I regularly do Reiki at night and I get a sound sleep. Reiki has also helped me to keep calm. I used to get severe body pain repeatedly and used to take painkillers and antibiotic tablets. But by practicing Reiki it is cured and from many years I have stopped taking antibiotics and painkillers for body pain. I have realized that Reiki is the only solution to clean dirt from our mental emotional bodies.”

“I have been practicing Reiki from 2002, and I have seen many changes. In my house the environment changed, my skills improved. I have observed that I no longer take pain killers.  Here is an interesting incident: I was supposed to go to Hubli for a College workshop for one month. It used to be difficult for me to manage even for a week because I have to make my kid ready before, before I leave to Hubli. Now it's for one month. I just prayed and asked Reiki’s help to have this workshop in Belgaum College itself. Yes, my prayer was answered.”

“I got attuned in 2006. One of the first wonders of Reiki was to get a glimpse of the college even before joining or selection of my PG seat. I can never forget that moment when I walked into a college I had seen when I asked Reiki about what was in store for me. Reiki has become a part of making each day and events easier and peaceful. Thank you Reiki. I have not taken pain killers or antibiotics in years now.  I fall ill less often and when I do it is mild and tolerable. In the last 3 years I have seen amazing things happen professionally, I am a calmer and more peaceful person these days and slowly progressing spiritually. Reiki becomes so much a part of our daily lives that counting miracles is tough.  It is easy to stop practicing but the benefits of practicing once you start noticing them will make us motivated for more.”

It is interesting to note that many Reiki channels completely stop taking painkillers and antibiotics after regular practice. Miracles become day to day happening after Reiki. I have heard from many Reiki students (who were not spiritual to start with) that they noticed their inclination towards spiritual practices after a period of Reiki self-healing.

Now I thought it was time to answer the basic question and I came to that.

“Ok, now let us come back to this question that came in earlier. From the previous discussions we saw that regular practice of Reiki changes lives – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, economically, and spiritually. But what are we doing - just giving Reiki healing to our physical bodies.  As we keep doing self-healing daily, our breathing pattern changes. According to medical information, a human adult breathes about 15 times per minute. Long term Reiki healing brings this rate down. Mine is about 6 to 8 breaths per minute. Check yours now, to see how sincere your Reiki healing practice has been. 

As our breathing rate comes down, we remain calmer, can make decisions properly, and are not easily shaken up by daily incidents. Since breath is intimately connected to mind, this has happened. When you keep doing self-healing every single day, the healing and balancing percolates to all other fields. You stop self-healing after a period of time, you stop progressing, and after some more time without daily healing, you start deteriorating, unless you have some other strong spiritual practice like meditation or chanting. But even then you miss out on so many blessings that Reiki keeps giving. 

Now, providing healing energy to the physical body is our duty. If we have all the time in the world, why not give energy to every inch of your body? Is it practical? Or we can choose points in the body that distributes energy to other areas. When we give energy to the major chakra points, both front and back, it provides energy to the whole physical body. In addition to this, remember that our endocrine glands are situated in the chakra areas. Once the endocrine glands are energized, they secrete optimally, keeping our body functions normal and gives high immunity.

Of course you can give healing energy to as many areas in the body as you like. According to my lineage of Reiki, we have followed the 13 points healing daily. And I have been following this every single day for the last 27 years. So when I attune you and instruct you to follow this, that holds some power. If another Reiki master has been trained to heal other organ areas, that should be followed by his /her students.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

“Don’t Let Perfection Destroy the Good in Doing”

A Wonderful Hypnotherapy Workshop

When the Hypnotique Circle (Madras) conducted a hypnotherapy workshop in July 2024, we were among the first to register. The workshop featured two renowned experts: Anthony Jacquin, who provided thorough training that transformed us into confident and effective hypnotists years back, and Pradeep Aggarwal, who taught me Hidden Resource Activation, a technique that has since delivered remarkable results for my clients. As expected, the workshop was nothing short of amazing.

The Unexpected Gift

During the session, a lucky draw was held, and I won the opportunity to receive free hypnotherapy sessions with Anthony Jacquin. I was over the moon! When we connected online for the session on August 8th, Anthony asked what I wanted to work on. I shared that, despite always doing my best in everything, I often feel a lingering inner doubt, thinking, “I could have done better.” He then conducted a wonderful session that left me feeling lighter and better.

The Proof

Yesterday, we attended a birthday party, and during a game for the ladies, the MC asked me to sing a couple of lines from an old song. Now, this was serious. While I excel in many areas, singing has always been my Achilles' heel. My ears aren't attuned to the nuances of music, and when my daughters (both amazing singers) try to correct my pitch, I struggle to understand their guidance. Not being able to sing is my one true regret. Decades ago, during a visit to Nagarcoil for a ‘Nadi Shastra’ reading, I asked about my next life. The answer was that I would be born as a singer, indicating that this unfulfilled wish will carry over into my next life.

Returning to the party, when the microphone was suddenly thrust into my hand, only one old Hindi song came to mind, and to my own surprise, I started singing. I was calm and composed, and I sang with confidence! Later, my husband remarked, “When you started singing, I thought you might struggle, but you actually did a decent job.”

Back at home, it hit me—this newfound confidence was the result of Anthony’s session. His words, “Don’t let perfection destroy the good in doing,” had truly resonated with me. My heart was filled with gratitude toward him. According to Vedanta, "You can realise God if doer disappears while doing Karma" and I think I was pretty close!


Meeting Swamini Vimalananda

                                                                            In 2017

Although I’ve titled this “Serendipities,” I firmly believe that nothing in life happens by chance. During a short vacation to Valparai in 2017, we also visited Coimbatore. My husband, who had been deeply inspired by Swamini Vimalananda's talks, was eager to meet her in person. We were fortunate enough to secure an appointment, and he posed a question that had often been the subject of our family discussions—a question we had “agreed to disagree” on: “Which is more powerful, destiny or karma?”

Swamini Vimalananda responded with a simple yet profound analogy: “Look at my hand,” she said. “I can bend it forward at the elbow—this is karma, something you can actively do. But I cannot bend it backward—this is destiny, the limitation imposed by past karma.”

Our conversation was so enriching that we decided to stay overnight at her ashram and attend her meditation session the next day.

Meditation Demystified


When we heard about her meditation retreat from August 9th to 11th, 2024, in Bangalore, we eagerly signed up. The experience was soul-enriching. Swamini Vimalananda explained that meditation is not an action, not a special type of action, and not a form of worship—it is a natural state of being. True meditation is effortless self-awareness. The truth of the Athma (soul) remains constant, regardless of belief. When one realizes the Athma, the experience is the same for everyone, though the paths to that realization may differ. The Athma is already present, here and now; all that is needed is awareness, not effort. However, certain preparations are necessary to reach that stage of realization.

An Unexpected Blessing

The meditation group was small, allowing us to interact closely with the other participants. One of them was Dr. Sweta Prakash Adatia, a passionate and highly knowledgeable stroke neurologist. It was a joy to engage with her, listening to her insights and experiences. Dr. Adatia has developed protocols and programs for stroke care in India, the UAE, and the UK. She currently works at Gargash Hospital in Dubai, UAE.

I highly recommend listening to her talk on “TheNeuro-Science of Mantras” to get a sense of how inspiring it was to be in her presence and hear her speak!


Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Transformative Power of Gratitude in Teaching


This past February, I offered a suggestion to a Reiki student, who is also a teacher, about the importance of gratitude in her daily practice. I advised her to start each school day with a moment of reflection and gratitude, saying to herself: "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay back my karmic debts by opening your inner eye, by educating you."

I recently received a heart warming response from her that perfectly encapsulates the transformative power of this simple yet profound practice. She wrote:

"Good afternoon, Ma'am. This golden advice that you gave me is done by me daily, and it has created such a soothing miracle. Life seems to be peaceful, loving, and blessed. The bond with students has become so joyous. Thanks."

The act of consciously expressing gratitude before starting her classes has had a remarkable impact on her life and her interactions with her students. By framing her teaching as an opportunity to repay karmic debts and enlighten young minds, she has found a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in her role. This mindset shift has not only brought peace and love into her own life but has also enhanced the joy and connection she experiences with her students.

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform our outlook and improve our relationships. For this teacher, it has become a daily ritual that sets a positive tone for the day, fostering an environment of mutual respect and joy in the classroom. Her experience is a testament to the idea that when we approach our responsibilities with a thankful heart, we open ourselves up to a more peaceful, loving, and blessed existence.

Incorporating gratitude into our daily routines can create miracles, as it shifts our focus from the challenges we face to the opportunities we have to make a difference. This practice reminds us of the impact we can have on others and the karmic balance we strive to maintain. For educators, it is a particularly powerful approach, as it reinforces the noble purpose of their work: to enlighten and empower the next generation.

As this teacher's experience shows, the simple act of expressing gratitude can lead to profound changes, creating a more harmonious and fulfilling life. So, let us all take a moment each day to give thanks for the opportunities we have to contribute positively to the world and to cherish the bonds we form along the way.

Monday, March 04, 2024

Reiki: A Holistic Healing Approach For Daily Practice


In today's fast-paced world, where stress and ailments often take center stage, the quest for holistic healing methods has gained momentum. Among these, Reiki stands out as a powerful self-healing technique that can bring progress in all areas of life - physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual. However, to harness its full potential, consistent practice is key.

The Essence of Reiki Self-Healing

Reiki, originating from Japan, is a form of energy healing that channels universal life force energy through the practitioner's hands to promote balance and well-being. Its gentle yet profound nature makes it accessible to people from all walks of life.

Daily self-healing sessions, performed twice a day, serve as the cornerstone of Reiki practice. By tapping into the body's innate ability to heal itself, individuals can experience transformative changes across various aspects of their lives.

The Shocking Revelation: Clients' Halt in Reiki Self-Healing

Recently, I encountered a surprising setback in two of my clients' Reiki journeys. Both individuals, seeking Reattunement, had ceased their daily self-healing practices for an extended period. The reasons behind this cessation were alarming and shed light on the immense potential Reiki holds in mitigating various health challenges.

Overcoming Adversity: Reiki's Role in Healing

One of my clients had battled COVID-19 twice, plunging into a state of depression and resorting to medication for relief. The other client faced a debilitating leg fracture, rendering her bedridden and reliant on conventional treatment methods.

In both instances, the absence of consistent Reiki self-healing deprived these individuals of a profound source of support and recovery. Reiki's ability to induce deep relaxation and facilitate restful sleep could have significantly alleviated their physical and emotional distress.

Enhancing Healing Potency with Reiki

Beyond its role in promoting relaxation and aiding sleep, Reiki possesses the remarkable capacity to enhance the efficacy of conventional treatments. By infusing medicines with Reiki energy prior to consumption, individuals can optimize their therapeutic benefits while minimizing potential side effects.

Moreover, for individuals like the client with a leg fracture, whose mobility is restricted, Reiki offers a convenient solution. With hands left unbound, one can easily invoke Reiki energy and direct it towards the affected area, accelerating the healing process and mitigating pain.

Harnessing the Healing Potential of Reiki

The examples shared above underscore the pivotal role Reiki can play in fostering holistic well-being and resilience, especially in the face of adversity. By integrating Reiki into their daily routines, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their innate healing capabilities and unlock profound transformations in their lives.

Reiki stands as a beacon of hope and healing in an increasingly chaotic world. Through regular practice and unwavering commitment, one can harness its transformative power to navigate life's challenges with grace and vitality. Let us embrace the journey of self-discovery and healing with Reiki, paving the way for a brighter, more harmonious existence.

And.. the silver lining

In November of last year, I received a call from a client who was desperate to break free from her dependence on daily sleeping pills, a habit she had maintained for a couple of years. Determined to find an alternative solution, we agreed upon a series of 21 days Reiki distant healing sessions.

During our initial conversation, I emphasized to her that while the effects of Reiki healing can be profound, they sometimes unfold gradually. I explained that the healing process may continue for up to three months following our sessions.

Fast forward to February, I received an excited call from my client. She enthusiastically shared that she had successfully discontinued her medication and was now sleeping peacefully without the aid of sleeping pills. For her, this marked a significant breakthrough and a testament to the effectiveness of Reiki healing. Just another addition to the string of happy clients from successful healings!


Sunday, March 03, 2024

On Reiki Self-Healing And Other Spiritual practices

I got the following questions recently. Putting it in an article and publishing in my blog can help a wider audience, so I am doing it.


Besides Reiki in the morning, what else are we supposed to do to enhance our spiritual power? Like reading Bhagavad Gita, saying Sanskrit shlokas , counting on the beads praying to any of the deities… will this all help us in some way?

I want to know how to integrate Reiki with other spiritual activities which we have been doing since childhood. Please enlighten us.🙏

Reiki self-healing

Reiki self-healing has to be practiced in the morning and in the night for maximum benefit. The morning healing energises you and the evening healing cleanses you. Those who can afford the time, do the full healing (13 points) both the times. Those who can’t afford that much time due to their hectic life schedule, do healing for 7 points in the morning and the remaining 6 points in the night, preferably just before sleep.

And when you are doing healing, put your mind and heart in the process. Of course you can do other things while doing self-healing, like chanting mantras, reading news paper or watching TV. But there is a distinct difference in the way you progress. Somebody doing dedicated self-healing twice a day even for a couple of months exudes so much energy and positivity and it shows up in their aura. On the other hand I feel sad when I see people who haven’t made much progress, though they have been doing self-healing for months/years together , without full dedication.

It is Reiki that integrates and empowers

We don’t have to integrate Reiki with other spiritual practices, once we do Reiki self- healing, Reiki balances all aspects of our life, integrates every thing and makes our life whole. As I always say, “Reiki heals us, protects us, and ensures our growth.” As your self-healing deepens, Reiki brings things that are further needed for your spiritual growth (I don’t prefer to say “spiritual power”). You will come across a person who can assist you in your growth, get books that will take you to another level of understanding, hear words from even a child, that will shake you up and take you to another line of thinking.

It is like your inner self keeps expanding, it becomes easier to integrate other things like chanting, reading and grasping the deeper meaning from our sacred books, meditation, doing puja, Havan etc.,

Think in terms of the computer you are using

Why should we adopt different approaches? This is a natural question. I urge you to think of it like using a computer. We can use it just for writing articles in the Word program. But there are a variety of other things you can do by using power point, excel sheet etc., It is up to you to decide whether to incorporate other things in your life and expand your inner horizon, that makes your life more wholesome.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Mind Stability - The Basic Requirement For Manifestation


"Manifestation" is the buzzword now. Everybody wants to manifest a life of their dreams. Why do many of them fail to achieve all those things that they aspired for? Stability of the mind is an important factor. When we want to cut with a knife, it is important that the knife is well sharpened, and you can hold your hands steady while cutting. Similarly, if the mind is balanced and sharp, whatever you are trying to achieve, has greater chances of manifesting.

Doubts and negative thoughts

Another common reason for failing to manifest goals is a lack of belief in oneself and in the power of manifestation. Doubt and negative thoughts can block the flow of positive energy needed to manifest your desires. It is important to cultivate a strong sense of belief in yourself and in the process of manifestation.

Additionally, setting unrealistic goals or being too focused on materialistic desires can also hinder your ability to manifest what you want. It is important to set clear, achievable goals that align with your true passions and values.

Finally, consistency and perseverance are keys to successful manifestation. It is not enough to simply visualize what you want - you must also take action towards your goals and remain committed to the process, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Overall, achieving successful manifestation requires a combination of mental clarity, belief in oneself and the process, realistic goal setting, and consistent effort. With these factors in place, you can increase your chances of manifesting the life of your dreams.

Here comes HRA

This is where HRA (Hidden Resource Activation) comes to our rescue. Even though you can achieve a focused mind through many other healing methods, so far, HRA seems to be the fastest and long lasting. HRA gives us freedom from negative thoughts/emotions, instils confidence and joy within us.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Hornbill Festival... Again


After our amazing experience at the Hornbill Festival in Dandeli last year, we were looking forward to attend it this year too. It is a vibrant celebration that showcases the rich cultural heritage and biodiversity of the region. Here's an overview to help you understand more about this festival:


Dandeli is a picturesque town located in the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka, India. Known for its dense forests, wildlife sanctuaries, and adventure activities, Dandeli provides an ideal setting for the Hornbill Festival.


The Hornbill Festival in Dandeli is typically held during the winter months, usually in December or January. The exact dates may vary from year to year, so it's essential to check the event schedule closer to the time of your visit.


The Hornbill Festival celebrates the conservation efforts and ecological significance of the Malabar Pied Hornbill, a bird species found in the Western Ghats region. The festival aims to raise awareness about wildlife conservation, promote eco-tourism, and showcase the unique cultural heritage of the local communities.


The festival features a variety of cultural performances, traditional music and dance, art and craft exhibitions, nature walks, bird watching tours, and adventure sports activities such as river rafting, trekking, and camping. Visitors can also participate in workshops on eco-friendly practices, wildlife conservation, and sustainable living.

Cultural Showcase

The Hornbill Festival provides a platform for local tribes and indigenous communities, such as the Siddis, Halakki Vokkaligas, and Lambanis, to showcase their traditional dances, music, cuisine, handicrafts, and rituals. It offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and traditions of the region firsthand.

Nature and Wildlife

Dandeli is renowned for its rich biodiversity, including diverse flora and fauna. Visitors to the Hornbill Festival can explore the surrounding forests and wildlife sanctuaries, home to a variety of bird species, mammals, reptiles, and butterflies. Guided nature walks and bird watching tours are organized as part of the festival activities.

Accommodation and Facilities

Dandeli offers a range of accommodation options to suit every budget, including resorts, homestays, and eco-lodges. During the festival, special arrangements may be made for camping and tented accommodation, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region.

Overall, the Hornbill Festival in Dandeli is a celebration of nature, culture, and community spirit, offering visitors a memorable and enriching experience amidst the stunning landscapes of the Western Ghats. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, adventure seeker, or cultural explorer, this festival has something to offer for everyone.