Wednesday, August 21, 2024

“Don’t Let Perfection Destroy the Good in Doing”

A Wonderful Hypnotherapy Workshop

When the Hypnotique Circle (Madras) conducted a hypnotherapy workshop in July 2024, we were among the first to register. The workshop featured two renowned experts: Anthony Jacquin, who provided thorough training that transformed us into confident and effective hypnotists years back, and Pradeep Aggarwal, who taught me Hidden Resource Activation, a technique that has since delivered remarkable results for my clients. As expected, the workshop was nothing short of amazing.

The Unexpected Gift

During the session, a lucky draw was held, and I won the opportunity to receive free hypnotherapy sessions with Anthony Jacquin. I was over the moon! When we connected online for the session on August 8th, Anthony asked what I wanted to work on. I shared that, despite always doing my best in everything, I often feel a lingering inner doubt, thinking, “I could have done better.” He then conducted a wonderful session that left me feeling lighter and better.

The Proof

Yesterday, we attended a birthday party, and during a game for the ladies, the MC asked me to sing a couple of lines from an old song. Now, this was serious. While I excel in many areas, singing has always been my Achilles' heel. My ears aren't attuned to the nuances of music, and when my daughters (both amazing singers) try to correct my pitch, I struggle to understand their guidance. Not being able to sing is my one true regret. Decades ago, during a visit to Nagarcoil for a ‘Nadi Shastra’ reading, I asked about my next life. The answer was that I would be born as a singer, indicating that this unfulfilled wish will carry over into my next life.

Returning to the party, when the microphone was suddenly thrust into my hand, only one old Hindi song came to mind, and to my own surprise, I started singing. I was calm and composed, and I sang with confidence! Later, my husband remarked, “When you started singing, I thought you might struggle, but you actually did a decent job.”

Back at home, it hit me—this newfound confidence was the result of Anthony’s session. His words, “Don’t let perfection destroy the good in doing,” had truly resonated with me. My heart was filled with gratitude toward him. According to Vedanta, "You can realise God if doer disappears while doing Karma" and I think I was pretty close!

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