Sunday, September 22, 2024

Reiki Hand Positions For Healing

There was an interesting query from a Reiki Channel recently:  “When you say, do healing every day after 21 days of cleansing period... what do u mean precisely?...still the 13 points..every day?

My answer:  Yes, all 13 points every day. It is equivalent to brushing all the teeth every day. Do you need to brush all the teeth? Do you need to brush every day? The answer is YES I hope. Same way to clean all the dirt from our mental emotional bodies (which we accumulate on a daily basis), we need to heal ALL 13 points EVERY single day.

I put this in my Reiki group for the benefit of others, which got followed up with another question:

“In line with this, recently I came across a friend who learnt Reiki last year. She mentioned 24 points, I wanted to know the difference between the 13 points that we learnt and those 24 points. Kindly clarify.”

  I thought that before answering that question I needed to bring attention how Reiki was influencing our lives. So I asked the group members “Let me ask something else. Whoever has been practicing Reiki healing for more than three months, please tell me what is Reiki's contribution to your life? Secondly, can you quote one (more than one is also welcome) Aha moment, a blessing, or a totally surprising incident that happened when you had requested Reiki.”

Here are some responses:

“It's been a very long time practicing Reiki. It’s almost 14 years now. I regularly do Reiki once a day and twice when I feel like.  Now Reiki practice has become an integral part of life. I request Reiki a number of times in a day. Few instances like, while driving if I'm late, I request for clear roads, no signals (many times I see green signals). I request Reiki for parking space, to my surprise, only enough space to park my car will be available. Ups and downs are part of life but with Reiki I'm able to come out of such situations.”

“I feel quite relaxed when I do Reiki self-healing. One incident I would like to quote, when I was travelling on first day of my periods which are very painful I practiced Reiki  in flight and I was asleep for around 8 hours waking up feeling much lighter. I realized that was the only solution I had at that time which worked.”

“I am practicing Reiki from last 8 years. I regularly do Reiki at night and I get a sound sleep. Reiki has also helped me to keep calm. I used to get severe body pain repeatedly and used to take painkillers and antibiotic tablets. But by practicing Reiki it is cured and from many years I have stopped taking antibiotics and painkillers for body pain. I have realized that Reiki is the only solution to clean dirt from our mental emotional bodies.”

“I have been practicing Reiki from 2002, and I have seen many changes. In my house the environment changed, my skills improved. I have observed that I no longer take pain killers.  Here is an interesting incident: I was supposed to go to Hubli for a College workshop for one month. It used to be difficult for me to manage even for a week because I have to make my kid ready before, before I leave to Hubli. Now it's for one month. I just prayed and asked Reiki’s help to have this workshop in Belgaum College itself. Yes, my prayer was answered.”

“I got attuned in 2006. One of the first wonders of Reiki was to get a glimpse of the college even before joining or selection of my PG seat. I can never forget that moment when I walked into a college I had seen when I asked Reiki about what was in store for me. Reiki has become a part of making each day and events easier and peaceful. Thank you Reiki. I have not taken pain killers or antibiotics in years now.  I fall ill less often and when I do it is mild and tolerable. In the last 3 years I have seen amazing things happen professionally, I am a calmer and more peaceful person these days and slowly progressing spiritually. Reiki becomes so much a part of our daily lives that counting miracles is tough.  It is easy to stop practicing but the benefits of practicing once you start noticing them will make us motivated for more.”

It is interesting to note that many Reiki channels completely stop taking painkillers and antibiotics after regular practice. Miracles become day to day happening after Reiki. I have heard from many Reiki students (who were not spiritual to start with) that they noticed their inclination towards spiritual practices after a period of Reiki self-healing.

Now I thought it was time to answer the basic question and I came to that.

“Ok, now let us come back to this question that came in earlier. From the previous discussions we saw that regular practice of Reiki changes lives – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, economically, and spiritually. But what are we doing - just giving Reiki healing to our physical bodies.  As we keep doing self-healing daily, our breathing pattern changes. According to medical information, a human adult breathes about 15 times per minute. Long term Reiki healing brings this rate down. Mine is about 6 to 8 breaths per minute. Check yours now, to see how sincere your Reiki healing practice has been. 

As our breathing rate comes down, we remain calmer, can make decisions properly, and are not easily shaken up by daily incidents. Since breath is intimately connected to mind, this has happened. When you keep doing self-healing every single day, the healing and balancing percolates to all other fields. You stop self-healing after a period of time, you stop progressing, and after some more time without daily healing, you start deteriorating, unless you have some other strong spiritual practice like meditation or chanting. But even then you miss out on so many blessings that Reiki keeps giving. 

Now, providing healing energy to the physical body is our duty. If we have all the time in the world, why not give energy to every inch of your body? Is it practical? Or we can choose points in the body that distributes energy to other areas. When we give energy to the major chakra points, both front and back, it provides energy to the whole physical body. In addition to this, remember that our endocrine glands are situated in the chakra areas. Once the endocrine glands are energized, they secrete optimally, keeping our body functions normal and gives high immunity.

Of course you can give healing energy to as many areas in the body as you like. According to my lineage of Reiki, we have followed the 13 points healing daily. And I have been following this every single day for the last 27 years. So when I attune you and instruct you to follow this, that holds some power. If another Reiki master has been trained to heal other organ areas, that should be followed by his /her students.