Monday, October 04, 2021

Developing A positive Attitude

There has been too much stress on ‘staying positive’ and shunning all things ‘negative’ in the New Age spirituality. In the soul state, we all are “Sat Chit Ananda”, which is translated as "Truth Consciousness Bliss", "Reality Consciousness Bliss", or "Existence Consciousness Bliss". When we are in the human form, so many veils of ignorance (acquired over many incarnations) cover this ultimate truth and we consider ourselves as limited beings with limited knowledge, in a miserable state.  Human birth is considered precious because in this form, by constant effort and detachment, we can experience that eternal truth.

Our human existence is to experience the limitations, understand the duality that is part of the Maya, and then transcend to the realms of inner bliss. When duality is concerned, positive and negative aspects are very much parts of the earthly life. Can we shun all things negative? Is it practical?

Positive thought vs negative thought

Human beings have minds, the duty of which is to think. When we think, we feel it, as emotions and in the body as expansion or contraction of the body. Every positive thought will bring with it a feel good factor, a sense of joy and calm, an expansive sense of the physical body. On the other hand, a negative thought will bring restlessness, the physical body feels contracted, which leads to chemical secretions in the body that bring down the immunity level and cause physical illness, if repeated overtime.

Should we shun all negative thoughts?

No, negative thoughts have a role in keeping us safe. Negative thoughts come to spur you into action. For example, when water spills on the kitchen floor, a negative thought comes that somebody may slip, fall down, and get injured. Immediately you mop it up, the negative thought disappears.

But in another situation, when one is overweight and diseased, the doctor advises weight reduction. He explains the sequence of events if weight reduction is not done. This is to encourage you to take action towards weight reduction. If you chart out a plan and do it diligently, the problem ends. But in majority of cases, the action is not taken and every waking moment is spent in thinking of all the problems awaiting with the overweight status. This will only make the situation worse.

Take action, do not drown in the sea of negative thoughts

In this world of duality, we have to deal with both positive and negative aspects. When you know that negative thoughts are just there for you to take action, you won’t be lingering in that thought. You will do what needs to be done and that negative thought no longer remains in your mental/emotional field to cause illnesses.

Positive attitude vs negative attitude

Have you noticed that some people have a generally positive attitude and some others a negative attitude? How does this happen?

When majority of the time it is positive thoughts that are lingering in the mind, slowly it becomes a habit and he/she develops a positive attitude. Constant negative thoughts lead to a negative attitude in the person. You should understand that a person with a positive attitude will also get negative thoughts, but they don’t let those thoughts linger in their mind.

Expansion and contraction of the body

If for a moment you close your eyes and notice the character of your thoughts and sense whether your physical body feels expanded or contracted, you will notice that the body feels expanded with positive thoughts and vice versa. When the body feels expanded, the feel good hormones are being secreted, and the immunity is getting boosted up.

When the body feels contracted, the blood vessels are contracted too, and the secretion of hormones is restricted.

Develop a positive attitude

So, to remain physically and mentally healthy and active, a positive attitude is very helpful. But remember, it is not shunning of negative thoughts. 

For this, start with the exercise of watching your thoughts thrice a day and taking action when it is a negative thought and feeling the expansion of the body and joy within you when it is a positive thought. Take care to keep the company of people with a positive attitude, and give attention to the food you consume. Do this for 21 days, to make it into a habit and you will be surprised to see what a positive attitude you have developed overtime!

If you want to go ahead on this path, Listen to this :  CLICK HERE


Unknown said...

Pranam Madam. Grateful for this guidance of a simple solution to a chronic problem!

Prof. Dr. Beena Rani Goel said...

You're welcome :)